Bangladesh police job circular 2022 | Bangladesh police TRC job circular 2023 |

 Bangladesh police job circular 2022

Bangladesh Police Force is the law enforcement agency of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Police Force was formed in 1861 under British rule. In Bangladesh, the police are primarily concerned with maintaining law and order, and with preventing and investigating crime. The primary role of the police is to investigate crime, not to collect fines or fees, though they sometimes do so. Their role is to preserve peace and ensure public safety.

Bangladesh Police Govt Job 2022

The Bangladesh Police force is the second largest in the world, with more than 350,000 active members. The police force is broken up into different categories such as the Border Guard, Armed Police, and the Detective Branch. The highest ranking officer in the Bangladesh Police force is the Director General of Bangladesh Police. Bangladesh is a country that has faced many issues in the past. One of the main issues was corruption and how it was affecting the country. To combat this issue, the government created a police force to help with law enforcement. The job of a police officer in Bangladesh is not easy. They have to be able to handle high-stress situations and they have to be able to maintain order while being fair and just. To become a police officer in Bangladesh, you need to be at least 21 years old and you must have a high school diploma or GED. Once you have completed the training, you can then take your test to see if you are qualified. 

BD Police job circular 2022

Bangladesh has been a peaceful country since its independence in 1971. However, the country still faces many challenges. One of these is the high rate of crime in Bangladesh. To combat this, the Bangladesh Police Force has been formed to fight crime and maintain peace. The Bangladesh Police Force is one of the most populous police forces in the world, with over 130,000 officers. Officers are trained in modern policing methods and are expected to be able to work independently and on their own.

Bdjobs circular 2022

The Bdjob circular 2022 has been published. The circular has been published in order to provide an overview of the job market in Bangladesh. The circular is also a guide for job seekers and employers.

Bangladesh police job circular pdf download 

Bangladesh Police Constable Job Circular 2022 PDF download. The Bangladesh Police Constable Job Circular 2022 is the latest circular published by Bangladesh Police. The circular is released for recruitment of police constable for the year 2022. Interested and qualified candidates can download the circular from the official website of the organization.

Bangladesh Police Constable Job Circular 2022 is a notification issued by Bangladesh Police for the recruitment of candidates for the post of constable in various police stations across the country. The Bangladesh Police Constable Job Circular 2022 is a notification issued by Bangladesh Police for the recruitment of candidates for the post of constable in various police stations across the country. This circular has been released on 1st December, 2022. The circular has been published on the official website of Bangladesh Police.

পুলিশের চাকরির সার্কুলারটি ডাউনলোড করতে ছবিটে চাপ দিয়ে ধরে রাখুন। এরপর ডাউনলোড লেখা অপশনে ক্লিক করুন। সার্কুলারটি ডাউনলোড হয়ে যাবে। সার্কুলারটি লোড হতে সময় নিবে একটু অপেক্ষা করুন।


Bangladesh Police Online Application Rules
A. Log on to and fill the application form. In order to fill the application form correctly, the video tutorial and form filling guide will be provided as help in the link. Besides, it is necessary to fill the form using the Help option of the link

Assistance can be taken;

b. Application period from 02 December 2022 10.00 am to 28 December 2022 11.59 pm c. Eligible candidates will get a User ID immediately after filling the application form. 40/- (Taka Forty) service charge (non-refundable) from any Teletalk pre-paid mobile within 72 hours of filling the application form in the said User ID;

d. Candidate's signature (length 300 × width 80 Pixels) and color photograph (length 300 × width 300 Pixels) should be scanned and uploaded to the designated place in the online application form;

e. The information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, so all the information filled before submitting the online application form

Candidate must be 100% sure about the correctness of the information;

f. The candidate should retain a color print copy of the online filled application form as an aid for any examination related requirements;

3.2 Step Two:

Send 2 SMS to each candidate from Teletalk pre-paid mobile with at least 40/- (Forty Taka) balance using his User ID.

to do;

First SMS: Write TRC<space> User ID and send to 16222; Example: TRC ABCDEF

Reply: Applicant's Name, Forty taka (40/- ) will be charged as service charge for the application of TRC Recruitment Exam

Dec 2022. Your PIN is........ (10 digits). To pay service charge type TRC<space>Yes<space>PIN and send to 16222. Second SMS: TRC <space> Yes <space> PIN Number and send to 16222; Example: TRC YES 1234567890

Reply: Congrats! Applicant's Name, Your payment has been successfully completed for the application of TRC Recruitment Exam Dec 2022. User ID is (xxxxxxxxxx) and Password is (xxxxxxxx ).

3.3 Helpline:

User ID and Password can be retrieved by following the below mentioned SMS method only from Teletalk pre-paid mobile phone; If User ID is known TRC<space>Help<space>User<space>User ID & Send to 16222

Example: TRC Help User ABCDEF & Send to 16222

PIN Number জানা থাকলে TRC<space>Help<space>PIN<space> PIN No & Send to 16222 Example: TRC Help PIN 1234567890 & Send to 16222

In filling the application form, you can call 121 from any Teletalk mobile number, first press 8, then press 1, or you can call the operator directly on 01500121121.

Details of Required Certificates:

Eligible candidates selected through preliminary screening should appear at their district Police Lines (permanent resident of the district) with the following documents on the date and time mentioned in the notification for physical measurements, document verification and participation in the Physical Endurance Test (PET):

1. Admit Card for Physical Endurance Test : Downloaded print copy of Admit Card for Physical Endurance Test (2 copies); 

2. Educational Qualification Certificate: Original copy of Educational Qualification Certificate/Temporary Certificate;

3. Character Certificate: Original copy of character certificate issued by the Head of the last educational institution, 

4. Citizenship Certificate: Permanent resident of the district/Chairman of Union Parishad/Mayor of City Corporation/Municipality as evidence of nationality.

Original copy of Permanent Citizenship Certificate from Mayor/Ward Councilor (as applicable);

5. Parental Consent Letter: Consent letter given by legal guardian (as per sample provided on Police website); 

6. National Identity Card: Original copy of the candidate's National Identity Card (original copy of the candidate's parent's National Identity Card if the candidate does not have a National Identity Card);

7. Photographs: 3 (three) copies of recent passport size color photographs attested by a Government Gazetted Officer;

8. Proof in case of children of freedom fighters/children of martyred freedom fighters/children of freedom fighters: Red if the name of the freedom fighter is in red Muktibarta.

Attested copy of Muktibarta / Attested copy of Indian list if name of freedom fighter is in Indian list / Original copy of gazette issued in name of freedom fighter;

9. Certificate in case of children of children of freedom fighters/martyrs: 1st class in case of children of children of freedom fighters/martyrs.

Affidavit executed before the Magistrate or Succession Certificate issued by a learned Court and original copy of certificate issued by the concerned Union Parishad Chairman/City Corporation Mayor/Municipality Mayor/Ward Councilor (as applicable) to the effect that the candidate is the descendant son/daughter of a freedom fighter/martyr freedom fighter. ;

10 Police Pet Quota: Original copy of certificate issued by the serving District/Unit Head mentioning name, surname (with BP number) of father/mother in case of police pet quota entitlement for children of police officers of the rank of Constable and above Sub-Inspector/Sergeant/TSI (if Police If the parent of a Pet Quota candidate has retired/deceased, original copy of certificate issued by the Head of Unit of the last place of work of said candidate's parent); 

11 Ansar and VDP Quota: In case of Ansar and VDP quota candidates, original of certificate of participation in basic training for a period of 70 (seventy) days.

12 Orphan Quota: In case of Orphan Quota candidates, original copy of Certificate/Certificate issued by the Head of Government Orphanage and Government Registered Orphanage (Certificate/Certificate must declare the candidate as an orphan and mention the previous permanent address of the candidate and the registered personal number of the orphanage residence) );

13 Minority Quota: In case of Minority Quota candidates, proof of their Raja/Minority Head or District Commissioner/Upazila.

Original copy of certificate issued by Executive Officer;

Bangladesh police job, Bangladesh police,  bd police job, police job circular, police niyog, bdpolice, police job 2022, Bangladesh police job 2022, police job circular 2023.

14 Clearance of employed candidates: Mandatory from appropriate authority in case of candidates employed in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organisations.

আরো চাকরির খবর দেখুন >>

সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবর পত্রিকা ২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২২ পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড। 


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